Friday, August 1, 2008

Killer New Blog Header Designs

Here's some of the latest projects:

This first one was for a client that was creating a new blog - empowering the middle class to break away and make more income going into business for themselves.

This was serious business and could not look like another cookie cutter scam.

So we kept it professional , but at the same time on the left side used a real person :)

(As soon as his blog is done you'll be able to click here and view it in full)


Next we have a header for a blog for newbies that teaches thru video blog posting:

(You can click the image to view full size)


Next we have a personal journal blog - giving all the details - good and bad about past relationships. We can tell the blogs main voice will be a woman and the content will be intimate.

(You can click the image to view full size)


Now something else I realize is all the headers showcased open the blogs in new windows. And it struck me, the more clients the more referrals = more traffic for the blog headers showcased.

Fantastic! That's a bonus I didn't even consider...

Like I've said in previous posts - you will find my prices to be very fair. I only ask enough to keep my 3 kids fed, happy and educated :)

All my images are unique to your header and I love to hunt down just the right fonts...

Blogs are not only a way some people supplement and earn an income...

They are also a very personal form of expression for an individual. Blogs take our favorite subjects and share them with the cyber world.

From marketing to poetry to pottery, you love what you do and express it in a way that's both person and professional.

This is my passion.

If you're building a blog or would like to makeover an existing blog drop me a line.

We can see what your next blog will say about you :)

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